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What’s your MG  Experience?

1971 MGB L Roadster Owner Review

1971 MGB L Roadster Owner Review

Related posts I was casually looking at buying a convertible sports car again, something I'd done a lot off and on over the years. In my youth, I owned a Datsun 2000S Fairlady for 10 years, which in a moment many times regretted it got sold. Search: My search was...

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57 MGA Brake Booster Upgrade

57 MGA Brake Booster Upgrade

  The factory drum brakes on 1500 model cars are a little on the agricultural side. The stopping power of modern cars in traffic and freeway conditions made me quite nervous and got my heart racing. Visions of the precious MGA rear-ending a Hyundai or whatever is...

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1957 MGA 1500 Owners Review

1957 MGA 1500 Owners Review

It's funny how things come about sometimes. Buying my nice MGB roadster initiated my brother and I looking into all things MG related. Watching the market we identified it was a good time to buy. This MGA popped up in my local market and we bit the bullet and invested...

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